We have all heard of hormone imbalance, it’s a big buzzword. About the importance, of balance within our endocrine system. To help with symptoms of not just menopause/perimenopause but also our cycles and to help with getting pregnant. Our cycles tell us a lot about our health Today I’m joined by Jackie Grant. Jackie is a hormone… Continue reading How to Balance Your Hormones
Author: admin
Talking Pelvic Floor
Many women in their early 40’s/50’s, suffer in silence with pelvic floor problems. Crossing their legs to sneeze or cough, going to the toilet a lot during the day or up at night. The worst and most embarrassing one is leakage. Today we are going to lift the lid of this Taboo subject. The pelvic… Continue reading Talking Pelvic Floor
Movement Coach Annette Cashel tells us how to undo the damage from sitting to long
Hi, today I’m talking to the amazing Annette Cashel Movement she is like a breath of fresh air talking about movement, undoing the damage done by sitting too long with just a few small adjustments to what you do during your day. This advice will help you if you are trying for a baby or… Continue reading Movement Coach Annette Cashel tells us how to undo the damage from sitting to long
Sharron Bannister and I talk About How Stress Effects The Body
Sharon Bannister and I are talking about the effects stress has on our bodies this can have a huge effect on how we go through perimenopause and menopause or if we are trying for a baby. In fact at any life stage that we go through. The advice and tips Sharon gives are outstanding.… Continue reading Sharron Bannister and I talk About How Stress Effects The Body
The Gut Whisperer Nathalie Sansonettie shares how eating more makes you lose weight
The Christmas holidays have come to an end and we have set our new year’s resolutions. Some of our goals are about weight loss and as we age it can become difficult. I am speaking to Nathalie Sansonetti. Nathalie is a gut whisper, health coach, and EFT practitioner based in Brighton, the advice she gives… Continue reading The Gut Whisperer Nathalie Sansonettie shares how eating more makes you lose weight
Chat with Jacqui Taaffe about Menopause and limiting believes
I had the most insightful chat with the lovely Jacqui Taaffe about Limiting Believes, the negative self chat that goes on in our heads Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel Also if you would like a free discovery call with me click here
Happy Health Menopause
Happy Health Menopause Happy Health Menopause
Interview With Sleep Success Coach Johann Callaghan
Interview With Sleep Success Coach Johann Callaghan Click here to book a free discovery call with me Interview With Sleep Success Coach Johann Callaghan